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For me, the simplest procedure to install the Distro was to

  1. Download the latest file from the project’s release page

  2. Extract it to a folder where your user has unrestricted read/write permissions (so ideally stay away from Program Files, etc.)

  3. Run the included Arch.exe

  4. Change the root password

    Terminal window
  5. Add the wheel group to the allowed sudo users

    Terminal window
    echo "%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/wheel
  6. Choose a username for your new user

    Terminal window
    export username={username}

    and add this new user to the wheel group

    Terminal window
    useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash $username
  7. Change the new user’s password

    Terminal window
    passwd $username
  8. Exit the WSL environment

    Terminal window
  9. Set the new user as the default one

    Terminal window
    Arch.exe config --default-user {username}
  10. Reboot the PC or alternatively restart LxssManager with

    Terminal window
    net stop lxssmanager
    net start lxssmanager
  11. After that reenter WSL with

    Terminal window
  12. Setup the pacman keyring

    Terminal window
    sudo pacman-key --init
    sudo pacman-key --populate
    sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring
  13. Update the base system

    Terminal window
    sudo pacman -Su

Just WorksTM? Special

As I’m sitting behind a corporate http proxy, I initially had no access to the internet.

This can be confirmed by running

Terminal window

To make WSL proxy-aware, I needed to

  1. Add the exports to the ~/.bashrc with

    export http_proxy=http://<hostname>:<port>
    export https_proxy=$http_proxy
    export ftp_proxy=$http_proxy

    Preemptively add the environment variables to ~/.config/xonsh/env.xsh

    $http_proxy = "http://<hostname>:<port>"
    $https_proxy = $http_proxy
    $ftp_proxy = $http_proxy
  2. Source it

    Terminal window
    source ~/.bashrc
  3. Allow sudo to pass these environment variables through by setting the env_keep property in /etc/sudoers.d/proxy

    Defaults env_keep += "http_proxy https_proxy ftp_proxy"

Rerunning the curl-command should now produce a response and pacman should update and upgrade just fine:

Terminal window
sudo pacman -Syyuu